Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Share This

Where does the power of the Web lie?

What comes to mind when you think of the word "Web"....intricate, links, connection, extension, strong, attract, caught, can't get out!!!!
When brainstorming about what I was going to write for this blog, two thoughts came to my mind about how I have been impacted by the power of the Web lately.
I have definitely noticed, over the past 6 months, how Facebook has taken on new levels of social networking and particularly sharing. You don't just go on facebook to update your profile, read someone's update or look at pictures. You can now go on facebook to see what people SHARE. Is it just me or have Youtube videos, newspaper articles, and links to websites been making a serious impact on your Facebook page?
When I first set up my igoogle account with RSS feed two years ago, people told me I would be reading more than ever. It did not happen so much then. But today, being fed information by people I respect and/or have the same interests as me is making me read much more than ever before.
Jeff U. shared with us how he gets information brought to him. Power!

Over the past few weeks of unrest in Bangkok, everyone has learned the hard way how biased the media can be. It's been difficult to find objective reports of what was happening. Newspaper took side and English language radio gave little information. It definitely made me question the authenticity of the media in general. Friends and family abroad saw a country on the verge of civil war reported on the news with alarming images. Meanwhile, living downtown, I still drove home everyday and did not feel or see any difference in my routine. In the midst of not really knowing what was happening or going to, many people started to rely on twitter as a source of information and updates on the situation. I cannot find it anymore, but an article was posted a fews days after commenting on the record use of Twitter in a political crisis.
Here is a related article from @RichardBarrow on the topic. Now the question remains, what resources to trust ? It's important to keep in mind that what we read in newspaper, what we read on the Web (e.j. Twitter) should be taken as information and not absolute truth!

I could not agree more with Jeff Utech when he says that "we need to teach people (not just students) to filter the information they receive"

Monday, May 31, 2010

Support System for Student Safety Online

For this course, a group of middle school teachers (Danielle, Heather, Caryn, and Wendy) worked on re-designing our Middle School Technology Acceptable Use Policy. So, can say with confidence that we have addressed several rules to promote online safety. Now our students can go on using the internet safely. Yeah Right!

How can we be sure that our students are safe online when we unaware of their safety in their regular school/social environment?
How can we prepare them for the potential risk of cyber bullying when bullying can go unnoticed in the hallway of our school?
How can we protect them from the various shape bullying could take (personal/physical, online, phone, etc.)?

And, who is responsible for teaching students about how to stay safe? EVERYONE!
Parents at home and educators in school need to help and support by educating them and raising awareness about their safety!

But we cannot be satisfied with having a policy written up somewhere on the agenda or in the computer lab. The AUP needs to be mentioned, referred to by ALL teachers in ALL classroom on a regular basis in different settings, so that the message really sinks in.

It is also important for the adults to stay informed about the new technologies and the potential risks that they represent.

In school, we should also teach students to be aware and watch out for themselves and others.
After all, they are the " in generation" who knows what's out there. So rather than being re-active to a case of bullying, we need to teach kids to be pro-active and take initiative to report any danger.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Copyright and Plagiarism

Last weekend, I started to paint again. Here is a photo of my first work: What do you think?
Of course this is not MY work, but Le nu bleu II de Henri Matisse.

Tonight, I learned Russian! I am pretty good, don't you think?
Я использовал интернет, чтобы перевести эту фразу на русском языке
Of course I don't speak Russian. The sentence above reads "I used the internet to translate this sentence into Russian."

What's my point?
We cannot plagiarize: use someone's work as our own.

So how can students complete research with respect to the laws of copyright and plagiarism?
For example, where can they find the images for a
visual presentations ?

In my observation, it used to be that most students googled for images, copied and pasted it into their presentation. However, over the past 2 years, I have seen much more awareness and education in teaching students from our school to give credit for their resources. It will take a few more years to bring everyone (students, teachers, parents) on board, but I do believe that soon it will be an expected skill.

How can a student be sure that s/he is not breaking the international rules of copyrights?
1) Students should be aware of the school's Acceptable Use Policy with respect to the copyrights' law.
2) Encourage students to use the creative commons search engine for visual or audio resources. I have created a step by step use of Creative Commons* that can be presented to students on the first day of a project to teach them how to look for powerful pictures.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Privacy Online

Is there such a thing as privacy online?

Because new generations are considered "digital natives" does not mean that they understand the consequences of their actions. They are children after all! Parents and Educators must help students understand their Digital Footprint and take responsibility early on for what they chose to post publicly online.

Our immediate concern is directed at social networking sites where everyone exposes themselves or is just as easily exposed or "tagged" by others. However, it is important to regularly remind all the online -ers (facebookers, twitterers, bloggers, etc.) that we have a choice in what we do publicly, whether we do it in the middle of the cafeteria at recess or from the 'privacy' of our home computer. Once it's online, it's not yours!

For example, I think this short video carries a simple, but powerful message for middle and high school students:

Also, this article definitely pushed me to question privacy online: Beware: the Internet could own your future. We all need to be aware and help each other staying informed about the rules and stipulations on "privacy settings" as they are rapidly and regularly changing, yet not very well advertised.
However, playing the devil's advocate, I struggle with some of the "fears" out there. Should we be so cautious and careful about our every moves? Are we not inhibiting our creativity and expression by being so careful about our "public" image all the time. For example this article presents "your online reputation can hurt your job search".
Could your future boss really ask you to show your Facebook profile and make a judgment about your professional skills? Wouldn't a job interviewer be over stepping their rights? Am I just naive?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Digital Footprint and It's Shadow

When and where should we be teaching students about their digital footprint?

Before answering this question, I would be interested to ask some students at various levels (elementary, middle, high school) if they know and understand what Digital Footprint is.

I used the online Digital Footprint Calculator to calculate my approximate personal footprint:In this article, Sara Perez simply defines Digital Footprint as "your social network profiles, your web site or blog, your photos shared on an online service, videos you uploaded to YouTube, perhaps even mentions of you in the local paper or your school's web site...."

Considering this definition, it is safe to say that most of our students from Kindergarden through 12th grades contribute regularly to their personal Digital Footprint. Therefore I would support the idea that it's never too early present the "reality" of what it means to be active online, especially considering our technology expectations for them.

There can be positive feedback in one's contribution to the digital footprint: For example you were recognized internationally for your humanities' class blog entries. Or the language teacher in your new school views your online Spanish portfolio from your previous school and uses it as your placement into the next level.

However, Sara Perez also addresses the digital shadow, explaining in her articles that if we are active in creating our digital footprint, our Digital shadow, "... images of you on a surveillance camera, your bank records, your retail and airline purchase records, your telephone records, your medical database entries, copies of hospital scans, information about your web searches, general backup data, information about credit card purchases, etc." is being created indirectly through our actions online. We definitely have less control over our Digital Shadow, which is one more supportive argument to bring awareness to students as early and often as possible.

Photo Credit: North Sea (Sankt Peter Ording) Germany by Paraflyer

Friday, April 30, 2010


As the end of the year approaches, I would like to take some time to reflect on one new web 2.0 tool I decided to adopt this school year.
At the beginning of the year, I created 3 different blogs for each French class:




My main goal for creating a class blog was to communicate with students, parents, and the bigger community. Sharing class activities, projects, ideas, accomplishments. Looking back through the different posts, I know there are lots of piece missing that I never got a chance to post (videos, photos, projects, etc!). It feels as though I have not used it consistently enough for students and/or parents to feel that it is a valuable resource.

Linked on my main page(s), you can also access students' personal blogs. On their blogs, we created a FRENCH category. The goal and expectation was for students to post their projects, journals as an online portfolio. Before this school year, we had been keeping "paper" portfolios for students but were looking for the better tool. Ultimately, this portfolio will follow them through the years, demonstrating their progress in French.
To better understand how to use Blogs as a portfolio, read this post by Jeff Utecht.

I just looked through some of my student's portfolios. Here are some observations:

1) Some are well kept with all projects posted. Others have only 1 or 2 French posts. This is a good reminder than I need to allow (class)time for students to upgrade their French portfolio.

2) In the future, I could invite students to reflect on their learning for French class on their blog. It might give the outside reader some insights on the various posts on their blog. It would also be good writing practice.

In the next few weeks before school is out for the summer, I will encourage students to update their portfolios so they can continue to use them next year in the following level of French.
If they leave Thailand, they could use their French portfolio to demonstrate some of their French skills in order to place in the appropriate language class.


What to do when/if we need to close school (campus) for unforeseen circumstances; yet you do not want to close school (learning)?

On April 8 and 9, 2010, after the state of emergency was declared in Bangkok, ISB made the decision to close campus. However, teachers were asked to keep their classes open, virtually.
Our school has implemented plenty of web 2.0 tools over the past 2-3 years to keep the classes alive and going: Panthernet, class blogs, Google accounts, Wikis, etc.
However, without any warnings of the closure, we had little preparation for how to proceed. Our school has since April 9th been developing a Virtual School Guideline.

How do we ensure that students who think they just got a free snow day actually check for assignments and complete them?
On that day, my two French INTRO classes had an old school paper test assigned. Students had been reviewing the days before and were ready. The next day, was the start of a week long Holiday. I decided to post the test on Panthernet, have students complete it at home and submit their test ALL ONLINE.
Wouldn’t they use their notes? To ensure that the test was done in a “proper” testing environment, I wrote specific instructions on the Panthernet assignment and I e-mailed those to the parents. Students had to allot themselves 1 hour to complete the test.

For my other classes, we had no major assignments due. Instructions were posted on Panthernet, but the actual assignments were posted on their class BLOGS. Again, to make sure that students completed their work, I e-mailed their personal e-mail as well as parents. Students had a week to complete the assignment. I invited them to e-mail me if they had questions.

I would consider my virtual school day to be fairly successful. Most students completed their work. The only students who did not were given a chance to make the work up. After all this was our first Virtual school day!

Image @JulyYu

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Voulez-Vous WIKI Avec Moi?

As presented in a previous blog post for this course, I had elected to work on a Wetpaint WIKI for this COETAIL course. Because the unit based on using this WIKI was planned for later in the semester, I chose a different project (voicethread) instead. However, I have starting to use that WIKI project in my French B class this week.

What are my goals for WIKI page: DESTINATION FRANCE?

CLASS DISCUSSION: Ensuring that students have read the chapters

Students read a short French novel in French (DESTINATION FRANCE) over their Song Kran holiday.
This month in French class, we are using the WIKI to prepare for class discussion:
Students answer text based/comprehension questions as homework. We then use these responses to discuss the story in class.

*If time permits before class discussion, we could use a few minutes at the beginning of class to read the answers posted by other groups.*

Students take turns in their roles: Architecte = Writer, Décorateur = editor, Nettoyeur = proofreader.

Students use different text color to show their work. Black = Architecte, Blue = décorateur, red=nettoyeur.

What does each participant have to do?
-L'Architecte answers the main question(s) as best as possible, focusing on the content but without worrying (too much) about the details of language structure.

-Le Décorateur
comes second and adds on to the response of the architecte. The décorateur can give opinion about the architect’s answer or add on to missing information. The décorateur does not focus on the language structure either.

-Le Nettoyeur
comes last, reading his/her classmates’ answers.
He/she does not have to add any content to the response/text. The only responsibility of the Nettoyeur is the structure of the text. He/she needs to looks for spelling, grammar, accents, and sentence structure.

Students in one group have different responsibilities and are co-dependent on each other. They must have to communicate, read each others’ work and help one another.

STUDY NOTES: Working collaboratively on all the questions for all chapters, students are building their review notes. They can later use the notes to study for the test based on the reading and class discussion.

PARTICIPATION: Not having to take notes in class (they are all on the WIKI) allows students to be attentive and active in class discussion.

Things to consider when using WIKI (or things I learned the hard way!)
-Becoming members: Make your WIKI page PUBLIC (see settings) for a few minutes during class time, and have students JOIN the WIKI right away. This is easier than inviting each member through an e-mail.

-Accents: I encourage students to work and save their work first on a word document instead of directly on the WIKI Page. It allows them to check for spelling and accents. It also avoids accidental deleting of their work.

Internet Connection: If several students are trying to work on 1 page of the wiki simultaneously, it will not save their work and/or might delete everything they or someone else did.

-Responsibility/flexibility: One great advice I received from Kim Cofino for this year’s use of the wiki, was to allow students to choose/decide/share responsibilities for their role. Knowing they had to alternate Architecte, Décorateur, Nettoyeur, students would sign up as a team. It allowed them more flexibility for in case they had a busy day and it took a lot of work off my hands.

Grading: students are held accountable for completion of their task and quality of their participation on the WIKI. I check their work every day and leave comments on the pages for the groups who need to review their responses (content or form).

-Worth It factor?:
Last year, Using the WIKI for the first time was very time consuming in organizing and creating the pages. This year, however, having the pages already set up has made it easier to manage the page.
Most students in French B class this year had already used WIKI pages in another class and were familiar with the set up of the tool.
So far, students have been doing their homework, answering the questions on the WIKI, leaving us a whole class for discussion and oral communication on the novel. In the context of studying/analyzing literature, they apply/practice the French they have learned this year.

: I would like to have students give their opinion of the WIKI at the end of the unit. I hope they will have found it useful/helpful.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

LINGT: Sharing Best Practice and Web 2.0 Tools!

Reading and Writing skills are often the easiest skills to put into practice. However, finding relevant, practical and interesting LISTENING and SPEAKING activities can be more challenging.

ISB’s ES world language teachers shared this wonderful web 2.0 tool for language teachers this semester.

LINGT is a great new tool supporting language teachers. It is so easy to use; you will be able to use it for your classes right away. Here is a DEMO VIDEO I found that can give you taste for what LINGT can do for your language classroom.

The video explains most of it, but here is what you can do with LINGT to create balanced language assignments (LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING).

Teachers can use:
1) IMAGES: choose a photo from your gallery or from the credited sources.
2) VIDEO (from youtube only. You would have to post your personal videos on youtube to use it on Lingt).
3) TEXT: Type instructions or record your instructions in the Target Language.
4) VOICE: Record a voice message(s)/instructions /question(s).

Students can respond:
1) With TEXT: Typing their answer to the audio or written question/comment
2) With VOICE: Recording their answer orally. They can listen to their answer and decide if they want to keep it or re-do it.

Some cool features by LINGT:
-DUE DATE: assign a due date for an assignment. If students complete the assignment late, it will be indicated next to their name.
-FEEDBACK: You can give oral/written immediate feedback to students' work.

Some things LINGT does not do (YET?)
-You cannot delete recordings made by students?
-Accents: If you use PC computers, you need to type your text in a word document before posting it on the assignment.

Here is an example of an assignment I used with French B students this semester.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Voicethread for Oral Communication

In our current unit on school, French intro student had been learning the vocabulary for daily routine and their school environment. Over the past few months, we have learned everything we need to know about school: Our classroom environment, our classes and teachers; and lately, the activities that take place before, during and after school. Students learned basic action verbs (-Er verbs: étudier, parler, écouter, marcher, porter, regarder, etc) as well as expressing likes and dislikes (J'aime nager, je déteste étudier!).
My goal as a French teacher is always for students to have real communication (apply the content into relevant, contextual communication, using acquired vocabulary and grammar.)

TOOL: The project I chose to share for this class used VOICETHREAD as my web 2.0 tool. The Voicethread project pictured regular ISB students' routine around campus.

TASK: Using as much French as possible, French Intro students were required to comment on 1-2 pictures following specific instructions and requirements.
To add a little challenge to their descriptions, one instruction specified that no comment or information could be repeated on any 1 picture; requiring participants to listen carefully to their classmates’ comments.


Here are a few things to consider in using VOICETHREAD

-GOAL: Set your goal.
My focus was for students to communicate ORALLY using the vocabulary and grammar. VOICETHREAD offers different options. Students can write comments, draw on the picture, or record a voice comment. I chose to ONLY USE THE VOICE RECORDING to promote for impromptu French oral communication. Of course students might/could prepared their “recorded comments” by writing them first, but this assignment invited them to practice SPEAKING French. At the end, everyone could listen to their own or their classmates' creation, accents, pronunciation; and hopefully feel proud of their accomplishments as first year French students.

Allow enough time for students to practice and learn how to use the tool!
I learned from one class that it was better to have students log into VOICETHREAD right at the beginning of class and follow along to practice recording their message with guided instructions, rather than explaining and/or demonstrating each step, leaving students as mere spectators without any practice time.

Because I did not want to use too much class time preparing the projected (my focus was on oral communication), I elected to take the pictures myself. I was able to take pictures of different students at different times, around school. It allowed me to target specific actions and therefore vocabulary.

However, if students were familiar with VOICETHREAD, another assessment could be for them to create their personal routine, using a VOICETHREAD presentation and their own photos + comments. It would require more time in class/at home: to take, download, upload, pictures. One would need to be specific about the quality (and source) of the images also?

-PERMISSION: There is one important information that my project advisor (Kim Cofino) recommended for me to think about: Consider asking students’ permission for taking and using their photo in an internet-based school project.